The Horcux

A diary to keep memories,

A ring to adorn the finger,

A locket to pass from one generation to another,

A golden cup to symbolize hard work,

the seven horcruxes

A diadem to increase the wearer’s intelligence,

A pet to take care,

The boy who lived to remind a great mistake,

Completes the Horcruxes of Tom Marvolo Riddle, a.k.a. Lord Voldemort

3 thoughts on “The Horcux

  1. I was intrigued when I pondered the destruction of each horcrux. One has the idea that Harry dealt with them all, but the glory is thoroughly shared with each of the main characters in the series, to wit: Riddle’s diary- Harry, Slyterin family ring- Dumbledore, Slytherin locket- Ron, Ravenclaw’s diadem- Malfoy, Hufflepuff’s cup- Hermione, Voldemort’s snake- Neville, Harry himself- Voldemort (or you could ascribe it to Harry, I suppose) I like that everyone shares in the destruction of Voldemort.


  2. I was intrigued when I pondered the destruction of each horcrux. One has the idea that Harry dealt with them all, but the glory is thoroughly shared with each of the main characters in the series, to wit: Riddle’s diary- Harry, Slyterin family ring- Dumbledore, Slytherin locket- Ron, Ravenclaw’s diadem- Malfoy, Hufflepuff’s cup- Hermione, Voldemort’s snake- Neville, Harry himself- Voldemort (or you could ascribe it to Harry, I suppose) I like that everyone shares in the destruction of Voldemort.


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